Yes, after re-reading the Hunger Games series last week and watching the new trailer about ten times yesterday, I decided to dig through all media attached to this awesome series, because my appetite was not satiated. And now, I'm officially a citizen of Panem, District 5...we're in charge of the country's power...They are now holding elections for each districts Mayor. I decided against running after considering if I could put that on my resume. I decided it probably wouldn't help, and would more likely be detrimental.
Obviously what I'm really hungry for is something more productive to do with my time. My testimony for work has grown exponentially. While I was crazy busy during my college years with a full course load and always working a part-time job, I dreamed of having down time to pursue some nice hobbies. Now I have all the down time I can dream of and dream of classes, having a job to get up for in the morning, meeting new people, using my brain cells. Apparently what my parents always told me is true, having a break after working hard and getting 'the job done' is much more satisfying then just playing whenever. Work is satisfying, it stretches me, shows me what I'm capable of. I like working hard. I like knowing that I can do hard things. I like achieving. I feel this is true with all of us. We are creative beings who gain fulfillment out of creating/building/doing. It is important to our well-being.
I've found that when my schedule is wide open I get much less done then when it's packed full, if that makes sense. So I made a schedule for myself that I stuck to for about a week...then I got side-tracked. So, I am taking suggestions/comments/ideas on how to make a day feel fulfilling when you aren't getting graded or paid for your performance. Hopefully I will soon get back being paid, but there will always be free time, and I want to do a better job at doing purposeful things!
You are a citizen of Panem?! crazy.
ReplyDeleteI totally know what you mean about being busy and wanting more free time, then having more free time and wishing you were busy. That's life, right. Come visit us in Santa Monica! If you've ever considered being a nanny, Ethan will wipe that thought right out of your head.
You are so hot in that picture! I want to learn how to get more meaningful things done in my free time as well and I don't know the solution to that problem! It is really easy to get sidetracked and end up doing nothing important or interesting. I try making lists of things I want to do, and then figure what is most important to me that day because I know it's likely I won't get to everything, and then if I do I have ideas of other things.
ReplyDeleteEmily thanks for the offer! It would be so much fun to come visit! Alicia, making a list is a great idea, I've kind of tried that before but I should do better at that! And my sister took that picture, she makes me look good :)